Friday, November 23, 2007

Finally finished the Bischoff! Man, that little book took more notes than the Chaney movie by several pages. Now, if only I could get off my lazy ass and write them out so I can move on to the next...

And speaking of the next, package came through from Lulu! Welcome to my parlor, Garza, Soper-Cook and Taylor.

Interestingly, sometime in the last week Sarah Flanagan, one of the most prolfic self-publishers of Phantom materials, suddenly yanked all of her previously available stuff off of I'm not as distraught as I could be--after all, I'd heard that they were pretty darn awful--but the scholar in me is wailing in depression. Now I'll never get to read them and call them nasty names! Never get to make spurious conclusions about the psychological state of the writer! I'm considering weeping, but instead will probably just poke around the web and see if anyone has any old copies for sale at a reasonable price.

Let's just hope they're on the reality side of reasonable. Whomever that person on Amazon is who thinks those Sheryl Aumack novels are going to sell for over $200 each is both depressing me with their desire to take advantage of hardcore fans and amusing me with their assumption that anyone, even the hardcore fans, is going to buy them at that price. I just backordered it from somewhere else. Sucker!

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