Friday, May 30, 2008

Holy goddamn, I actually posted a review.  The Rostaing review is up, which means I can move on to the wonderful world of Eternity Comics.

Heh, the forum has three registered users, one of whom is me.  So much for you people requesting a forum, you liars, you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strange things are afoot at the Phantom Project.

Specifically, it now has a forum.  For the two people that read this--go out!  Meet one another!  Have a blast!

Actually, more than a few people now have either mentioned that they'd like to have a forum to discuss some of this stuff, or actively asked me to set one up, so here it is.  Unfortunately, since I do not have the l33t f0rum skillz, it's pretty basic at the moment, but I'm hoping to pretty it up later, possibly when I have more time this weekend.  You can still post on it and talk to one another, and the naive child in my soul says that's what's important, right?  Right.

In the meantime, I'm still working on the Rostaing; unexpected houseguests make it hard to get anything done in a hurry.  I'm totally on it whenever I have a second, though.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Daughton/Perkins review is up!  Huzzah!  It's a very interesting one, and I'm glad I dug through the terrifying vaults of eBay to find it.  I'm on to the Rostaing now, which I'm worried might fall apart in my hands because it's so old.  I'm really lucky to have found a copy at all!  Hurray for me!

A few more texts wandered their way in, as well--obviously, I received the Rostaing, and one of the L'Officier short stories is in my hot little clutches now, too.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Stuart review is up!  I used my lovely check from the government to order a few more texts, which I will await with bated breath, but other than that it's business as usual around here.  Now that I'm starting to recover from the Martian Death Flu, I'm hoping to be able to pick up the pace a little bit.
Two reviews in one day!  Bam, baby!  The Pachard/Gillis film review is up, but nobody panic; it's perfectly worksafe and contains absolutely nothing explicit.  Just because the film is adult doesn't mean my review has to be (in fact, considering my sailor mouth in some of the poorer reviews, it's positively demure).  On to pillage--I get to check out a comic book next!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lack of updates is due to real life, etc., but more is incoming.  For now, I've finished the Stuart and will be working on the review notes today, and I've received my copies of the Cusick and Joyce texts.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Ta-da!  The Rosen/Schierhorn review has been posted, and now I'm off to read some more.

For those of you who are wondering about the adult film saga, I've decided that they will be included but will be placed in a category of their own; consequently, they may be worked on in chronology on their own, rather than with the rest of the materials.  This is the same way I'm handling all the versions of Ye Bang ge Sheng.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ugh.  After two days of having no internet (our landlord forgot to pay the cable bill... le sigh), I am back and ready to boogie.  The review on the Rosen/Schierhorn musical is halfway completed, and I got the Ryan text and the Spencer musical in the mail today.  Huzzah!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Cinco de Mayo, tequila lovers!  The Richardson/Dance review is finally up in celebration.  More thoughts are on the way, but for now, it's time for me to go fall into bed for a while.