Monday, July 1, 2013

BOOM, REVIEW! Yes, I have reviewed twice in one month! I'm back, baby.

...okay, yes, technically today is the first of July, but I finished this review last night and just fell asleep before I remembered I hadn't posted it yet. So I'm calling it a win.

I'm heading off on a long journey into the annals of popular self-pubs now, and I can hardly wait to see what they have in store. Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Aww, snap, new review time. See, I told you I'd make up for lost time! I am a reviewing dynamo!

I'll be doing another movie sent in by yet another awesome fan before my return to the Valleys of the Self-Published, so watch this space. I am not yet done being excellent.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Did you guys have a funeral for me yet? Can I dramatically ruin it?

Okay, so that took way too long and I do not even have a marginally good excuse, so please forgive me for the tardiness of the new review. Feel free to be embarrassed to follow my reviews, because I am plenty embarrassed of myself right now. Three months? You suck, me.

So, to prevent that from happening again, I'm taking a quick break from the swamps of published fanfiction to watch an Italian horror movie. That should get my blood pumping again!

(Man, do you guys remember when I used to be able to get a book review out ever week, but movies took me forever? How the worm has turned.)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Review! Review! Reviewwww!

That book took a long time, but the next one looks slim and I'm hopeful. I've been flagging on pace a little lately, and I'm considering skipping around to different kinds of materials a bit to help keep things fresh. I don't want to do it too much - one of the main points is to review things in order so I can see how they influence each other, after all - but sometimes the impenetrable Forest of Self-Publishing is too deep and dark even for me. I don't need to end up in a Joseph Conrad story.

Happy Valentine's day a week late and two days short to all you beautiful people. If you didn't have a sufficiently romantic time, I suggest marathoning the sappiest Phantom versions!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Aha! A new year, a new book, a new review. Also tons of new Phantom books coming out. Sheesh, don't you guys ever rest? Think of my nerves!

Which are OF STEEL, so it's off to the next book I go!