Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sweet Jesus eating a cracker, it's been one thing after another.  Power is out, then internet is out, then banks are screwing up, then shows are going up at work, then it's a million degrees and the effort of typing would use up every ounce of moisture still clinging to my seared body.  For sanity's sake, I need some peace and quiet around here.  I've posted the Jones review, and am now off to completely switch oeuvres from "American comic crossover" to "romantic Asian cinema" for the Yu/Cheung film.  Wish me luck!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The forum is back (again)!  And while it was down, I finished the Herter review, which has been posted (beware: less of the introspection, more of the growling in this one.  I'll try to keep the next one more scholarly).

The pace is slow because life is busy, but since I have a deadline, we'll have to hope I can pick it up soon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Revenge of the exploding forum!  It's down again.  While I twiddle my thumbs and wait for the problem to resolve itself, feel free to ignore me and go about your day.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The review for the Argento/Barberini film, she is posted.  As your long-suffering, desperately wimpy project manager, I hope you'll excuse me if I'm a little vague for a while because I can't sleep at night anymore after watching it.

I'm going to read a romance short story now, which will hopefully cleanse my poor brain of all the blood and gore and bits of person everywhere.

In addition, for all one of you that panicked, the Forums are back up and running.  Apparently the host was targeted with a nasty DOS attack, but everything is now restored to its former... ahem... glory.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ta-daa.  The review for the incredible, the indescribable, the catastrophic Savage/Joboulian film review is up, and my caps-lock key needs a hard-earned rest.

In other news, for the six people whom it affects, Getphpbb, where the Project board is currently hosted, has been down for a few days.  I'm hoping that doesn't mean that they packed up and quit and it'll never see the light of day again, but if that does happen, at least we can interpret that as an act of God concerning my having a messageboard at all.