Thursday, August 13, 2009

I just (finally) found a copy of the 1978 Murphy musical version!  Eeeeeee!  That little rat bastard has been eluding me for over a year, appearing only as overpriced LP and 8-track recordings, but I finally found a cassette tape.  There is rejoicing in my house.

Not that I will review it for a while, because the Bernadette book still holds me captive, and it is both long and densely populated with words (what does she think I am, a reader?), and I have a film to do after that, but soon, my precious.  Soon.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

In the interests of cleaning up my messy operation, I've done a (very, very minor) overhaul of the site.  The Chronology page is gone, because it's been combined with the Progress page to create something that is (hopefully) smoother, cleaner, and more streamlined.  I'm awesome.
The Skal review is up!   Ah, that was a nice refresher.  And now for another one--a self-published novel, because apparently I have all the radio shows excent for the one I thought I  was doing next!

Waves to all the peeps that wandered over from the radio show!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And the Meadows review is up.  I'm heading back to the world of nonfiction for a bit to enjoy a little film piece on the previous film versions, and then it'll be another foray into the world of radio!

Incidentally, I also added a paragraph or so to the end of the Pettengill review; a parallel to the Charnas short story that I hadn't thought of at the time I wrote it suggested itself, so I whipped off a few lines to make sure things were thorough.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Meadows review is about 80% complete, and hopefully will be up tomorrow night.  In the meantime, I'd like to throw out a shout to Anstance Tamplin,  Sharon Cathcart and everyone else who's shown me a flood of goodwill in the form of new things to review lately.  You guys rock!