Saturday, January 31, 2009

Okay, I can see again now, so the Sodaro/Villars review is up.  I'm nearing the end of the backlog of 1980s stuff that I got in recently from the wonderful Ms. Hernandez, so soon enough we'll be moving chronologically along again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And a wee little Dickens review gets things off to a more speedy start!  Hurrah!  I look like a pirate in my disability eyepatch.  Awesome.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Has anyone noticed that when I say things like "hopefully the pace will continue to be pretty decent", everything goes to hell?  In this case, it's because I developed an ulcer on my left cornea, which understandably made squinting at itty bitty print and bright computer monitors somewhat difficult.  I'm managing, and finally got the Kenley/Noll/Gooding review up, but I can't make promises about the future.

I can make pipe dreams, though.  New review tomorrow!  Let's do it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ta-da!  The Reiser/Sharkey review has officially seen the light of day.  And hopefully, since I think I have another short play to go next, the pace will continue to be pretty decent.  Any by that I mean I'll... hurry up some.