Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why, hello, little tax refund.  Do you know where you're going?  No, not to the bank.  No, not to the bill collectors.  No, not to the schools.  That's right, you're going to a magical place online where you go away to live with a nice company and they send me some books to console me for my loss.  It will be a magical journey.

I'm continuing my quest to find as much published material as I can, and in doing so am now hitting all the subsidy and self-publishing sites online (thanks a lot for making my life harder, Amazon).  So far, I've ordered three new texts (the Black, the Maranto, and the Johnson--hee!) and discovered a few more to add to my list.  They just keep coming out, don't they?  Notably, it seems that there's a new follow-up to the de Mendes text coming out that focuses on Raoul, who never gets his own novels, it seems like.  Should be interesting.

Apparently, the Woosley/Kisgen film has been pushed back yet again, probably to this winter.  My disappointment is probably surmountable.

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