Monday, June 30, 2014

Here we go! To ring in the end of the month, we've got a brand-new review!

It's a long one and a sad one, but now we get to move on to something new, so woohoo! Let's do it!

The last poll squeaked in with stage show at the top of the heap. Alas, I still don't have access to a copy of the Takarazuka Snow Troupe's version of Singing in the Moonlight and Roger Moss's Phantom of the P'Opera still doesn't have an easily accessible script or recording, but I know what all of you are really looking for anyway. Next up: Love Never Dies, the stage review everyone has been waiting for anyway. It's been a long time coming!

In the meantime, voting's back up for something new. Let me have it. :)

What kind of Phantom material should Anne review next?


  1. I have literally been waiting years for your LND review.

    1. Ha, I know, right? Me, too. Everyone in the world even kinda related to me got me a copy when it first came out and I've been fighting the temptation ever since.

      But now's the time!

  2. This review is everything I hoped it would be and more.
