Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So, as I trudge onward toward the end of another review, I'm ruminating on how long this past hiatus has been. It really got away from me. There are a lot of reasons for that - new job responsibilities at the dreaded Day Job, major health complications from crippling tendonitis that made typing difficult, general laziness - but regardless of how it happened, it sucked. Let's not do that anymore.

The Phantom Project's been around for a long time now, and has kind of outgrown its original mission statement; it's not part of an academic project anymore, and a lot of the old strictures on it, including reviewing everything strictly in order of publication, really don't need to apply anymore. So, in the spirit of mixing things up and not slavishly following my own made-up rules (so rebellious!), I think we're going to start jumping around a little bit. It'll be like a fun adventure where you have no idea what I'm doing until I do it, and then you question your decisions to follow me in the first place.

But hey, let's all get involved! I'm retaining final decision, but since you guys are the ones reading this claptrap, I figure now's a good time for you to have some input into this semi-organized mess.

What kind of Phantom material should Anne review next?

Go nuts. Vote all the votes. If there's a particular material you're dying to see a review of, feel free to tell me in the comments.

And now, it's back to the salt mines for me.

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