Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I come bearing a review of marked confusion. And I come bearing it before the end of the month, so take that, naysayers.

Oh, lord, if Love Never Dies really gets optioned for film, I'm going to have to read a lot faster.


  1. I'm looking forward to your next one - The reviews on Amazon give it a bimodal distribution, which might represent the division between people who "get" a more sophisticated work and those who don't, or it could just be that some people are more bothered by mechanics errors than others.

  2. I have to confess I'm intrigued by it. While I avoid reviews when possible so I don't come in with preconceived notions, I think I recall hearing some outrage over this one's violence, and the fact that its author is a medieval literature specialist can't help but interest me.

    We'll just have to see.

  3. I actually purchased it in ebook format because it looked promising. i've only ever paid for Phan fiction twice before (Susan Kay and My Phantom), and I don't want to contaminate your opinion so I'll be quiet.

    Except to say be ready for eyeballs.

  4. My friend, I am always ready for eyeballs.
