Thursday, November 3, 2011

Jiminy Christmas. I complained a while ago about eBooks that I couldn't get because I don't have a Kindle, and apparently that made the market explode with them. I turned up four new ones today while digging around on Amazon. Oh, Amazon, you're making me crazy.

It's not that I don't want eBooks to succeed, because I totally do. I think it's great that people can publish much more accessibly (though when I'm going to be having to read things like this, occasionally positivity is challenging), and it's not like I can complain about the price (would that all the books on my list were less than a dollar). No, it's just that so many of them are currently Kindle-only, and I don't have two to four hundred dollars to dump into an eReader (and let's be honest... I don't have a problem with eReaders, but I'm not excited enough about them to want one of my own at the moment).

I'm just going to have to soldier on somehow. This post brought to you by the Why Haven't I Won the Lottery Yet Foundation.

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