Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ergh.  So far, this problem hasn't come up for me, but I  guess it was inevitable: there's a Phantom-related book that's only available on the Amazon Kindle.  I  don't have a Kindle, nor was I really planning to get one any time soon--I don't have money to burn, and anyway, I like holding actual books in my hands, and I'm not a big fan of reading off of screens--but Amazon is really trying to push it, isn't it?  Jerks.  I'll add that to the list, and who knows--maybe it'll get popular enough for a print version to come out.  But it'll be on back-burner for a while, and I really don't know if I'll be able to convince John (or myself) that I need a Kindle, which I  will inevitably lose or break, because of this one book that frankly doesn't look like it's probably all that good.  At least it came out in 2008, so I don't have to worry about it until after I wade through a mess of other stuff.

Oh, and the Christian review is up.  One more kids' book, and then we can go back to me shouting in frustration and adult novels.

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